ETC International, LLC
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ETC Contract Vehicles

ETC Contract Vehicles

Initiation of Contact with ETC: ETC recommends and welcomes early contact and coordination between US Government (USG) requirement holders / case managers. ETC is happy to provide market research information, rough order of magnitude (ROM) estimates (for planning & budging purposes only), assistance with requirements generation, and draft Statements of Work (SOWs) in the form of a whitepapers. This informational-only support is provided to USG customers with the understanding that they do imply or incur any USG commitments. Coordination with ETC can be initiated via email at or via telephone at +1 617.513.6948.

Funding Types: ETC has an experienced team of contracting professionals that can help program engagements with any type of FMS, FMFP, Security Assistance (SA) or Building Partnership Capacity (BPC) funds or programs (i.e. FMS, FMF, IMET, PKO, AMSI, GPOI, CTFP, ACOTA, ATA, etc).

Contract Vehicles: ETC’s contracting specialists provide USG customers with two options for engaging ETC’s services:

  1. Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase III Services Contract – This ETC’s recommended option. This is the simplest, least expensive & most direct path for USG customers to engage ETC’s services. ETC owns a mobile culture & language training app developed under the SBIR program. The app is designed to enhance any engagement with a foreign country's personnel (in CONUS or OCONUS) and ETC utilizes it in every engagement which therefore allows sole sourcing of ETC services. Per the US Navy’s top Acquisition Executive, “SBIR Phase III sole source awards are an authorized exception to competition and Contracts Officers are encouraged to employ this exception where such action meets a program's requirements.” This flexible type of contract vehicle is able to support individual contracts or multiple tasking through an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (IDIQ) format. For more details about or assistance with this option, call ETC’s contracting specialists at +1 757.752.8778 and visit
  2. Pre-Competed Subcontracting through Task Order – ETC is immediately available via subcontracted task order on several contract vehicles with scope for any work ETC is capable of executing. These contract vehicles have already been competed so the competition requirement is already satisfied. ETC’s contracting specialists will coordinate with the USG customers to select the optimal contract vehicle. ETC’s contracting specialists may be reached at +1 757.752.8778.

Note about Pre-Deployment Site Surveys (PDSS) aka Site Surveys: A Site Survey visits the Partner Nation prior to a training engagement to identify training resources, locations, and clarify training expectations. The PDSS is strongly recommended as it is crucial to effective training engagements and reconciling a PN’s stated capabilities with ETC course objectives. Once the PDSS is concluded, a minimum of 30 days is required to finalize planning and execute a training engagement. A Site Survey may be unnecessary if ETC has conducted a related engagement in the same location within the last 6-12 months.

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